Term 2 PE

I am learning to:
send objects accurately.

To be successful I can:
slide the beanbag across the floor to the target.
step forward with my opposite foot.
point towards the target.

Term 2 Reading

We are learning to:
Read with fluency and expression to a group.

Term 2 Discovery

Leah and Yo Yo are learning to relate to others through sharing the resources and creating poppies for ANZAC day together.

Term 2 Writing

I am learning to write a recount including who, what, where, when and why.

This is about my trip to the Air Force Museum.
Highlighted is what I have included:
who, what, where, when and why

Maths Home Learning - Bronze Certificate

Leah has been practicing his Maths at home and has earned his bronze certificate.
Congratulations Leah!