Adding and subtracting with whole tens.

I am learning to add and subtract with whole tens.

Good work Leah!

Counting on.

I am learning to count on.

Guided Reading in Term 3

We are learning to read a text for meaning

I will know I am successful when:
     I can read clearly and fluently
     I can talk about and understand what I have read

Showing the Community CARE Value

I am showing the Community CARE value by helping to keep our classroom clean and tidy.

Mathletics Class of the Week for New Zealand

We are learning to practice our maths skills.

We know we have been successful because we won the prize for being the best Mathletics class in New Zealand for the week.

Great work Leah and everyone in Room 2!

The Classroom of the Future

We are learning about 'what changes we could make to our learning environment?'

We will know we have been successful when:

     We have thought of some ideas for changes we would like to make.
     We have produced a model that includes these ideas.

Looking good Leah!  Keep up the good work.

Olympic Medals

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